Monday, March 29, 2010

Action/ Adventure Genre

Action/ Adventure Genre is something I enjoy reading and watching. They always keep you thinking whats going to happen and give you different outcomes. They grab your attention from beginning to end and still have you wanting it to be longer then it really is. You could watch it over and over again without being sick of them. But i definately don't like when you get a movie and its something totally different then you wanted. Or it just has a terrible storyline and ending.
Overall i have many more pros then cons on Action/Adventure genre. They're just great!

Horror Genre

Horror genre. To be honest I'm not a big fan of it, and its rare to see me watch them. I do love the butterflies they give you when your not ready for things to happen. Or when some of them have you think and put the puzzle pieces together. But when there's a lot of gory in it, i'll pass. Same with clowns and dolls as I REALLLY DO NOT like them in general. They freak me out. Also anything to do with creepy things like the Exorsist, thats just not my thing.
When watching, The Shining in class, it was an old fashion horror movie that just made you laugh and had some very random parts in it. Definately not anything like the movies now-a-days.

Thoughts about my Novel..

My novel i'm reading is Tenderness by Robert Cormier. At this point I find it very confusing as this teenager girl has so many things going on. It goes from one thing to another. Most the time I have to go back and read parts over again. Its definately a book you have to be drawn to and have full attention too or you may find yourself lost like myself. Now that im getting further into the novel, its becoming more easier then it was for the first few chapters. It always give you many things to think about other teenagers life and what they go threw. Also what people put themselves through to make money, live and be happy. I still haven't reach the big suspence of this story which I'm looking forward to as the doors are starting to open in many ways right now!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


During the three week of the amazing Olympics this year, kept all of us cheering and just none stop talk about it. We may not have had the most metals but we were FIRST in gold metals! And made an outstanding record! My favourite sport of the Olympics thats kept me on my feet was hockey. We won gold in both ladies and men which i knew we would as its Canadian sport. We created hockey. If we lose, then it would be a dissapointment to us all. Now with the Olympics overwith, tv isn't a priority to turn on right away. I find things boring now on tv. The Olympics were exciting and always something to watch without being bored of once. As much as there was a lot of sadness with loses in the Olympics, everyone was still strong and made Vancover 2010 to never be forgotten.